Join Paisley Velo
If you wish to join the Paisley Velo Cycling Club then please contact us at or via our contact page.
Your membership fees will be due for payment and can be paid via cash or cheque to a committee member when first attending the club, or by electronic transfer into the club's bank account.
The Membership Fee for all members for 2022 has been set at £25 for all members.
Prospective members are welcome to come along on social Sunday runs for a couple of weeks to see if our club is for you prior to joining.
14 to 16 year olds will need to ride with a responsible adult & have a signed parental consent form, and will need to contact us prior to the ride.
16 to 18 year olds will need a signed parental consent form. Download this here.

On Sundays we offer 2 or 3 runs, depending on numbers:
The Wee Ring offers relatively short runs of 20-35 miles at a modest pace (averaging 12-15mph), perfect for beginners, those returning from injury, or those simply wishing a leisurely ride in good company.
The Middle Ring offers slightly longer runs of 30-60 miles at a slightly higher pace (averaging 13-16mph), for those wishing to venture a bit further afield, or wishing a bit more of a workout.
The Big Ring offers runs of 60 miles plus at a higher pace again (averaging 17mph+), often covering 100-120 miles in the Summer.
Routes, and details for each run will usually be posted in the Rides section of the website in the week prior to the runs.
On club runs, helmets are compulsory, and we ask that mudguards are worn between October and March. It is good practice to carry at least one spare inner tube, a pump, tyre levers, sufficient food and fluids, appropriate clothing for the conditions, and as most runs include a cafe stop, some money.
Club policy is that each Sunday Club Run will ride at the pace of the slowest rider, and nobody gets left behind.
We ask that riders new to bunch riding, ride with the Wee Ring group for a few weeks to learn the basic shouts and skills required to ride safely in a bunch prior to participating in longer or faster runs.
New members wishing to come along for the first time should contact us on or using our contact page to intimate your interest, or for further information.